Tony Waltham: annotated geological photographs

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Deer Cave
Greenland ice
Lake Powell
Inca Bridge
Valley bulge
Aral Sea
Mendenhall Glacier
Vaiont landslide
Mexico City subsidence
Ellora caves, India
Thistle landslide
Welcome gold nugget
Grotta di San Giovanni
Marine arch collapse
Aqua alta in Venice
Kangia Icefjord
Norber erratic
Alaska oil pipeline
Tunnel Creek Cave
Holme Post peat
Abhaneri stepwell

All of these photographs are held in the Geophotos Picture Library, and some are also in the Robert Harding Picture Library. A selection can be seen on Tony Waltham’s page on that site, at These are all available on-line for commercial use.
The Geophotos collection contains many thousands of photographs on geology and travel; these are not available on-line, but requests can be sent to .
The format of a single photograph and a text of 300 words was originally developed to go on the back cover of the magazine Geology Today, where they have appeared on every issue since January 2001. A collection of a hundred of those, along with many new ones, was then published in 2019 as the World of Geology, with details on the Books page